Why Imtihaan Guru is the best coaching for Bank exam in Delhi ?
Imtihaan Guru is a prominent coaching in Kalkaji, South Delhi for Banking exam preparation. It offers best Bank po/clerk exam courses in affordable fees. It has years of experience in coaching of banking exams preparation. It has top faculty in Delhi for banking exams preparation. It provides best study materials and notes to clear exams in short time.
Banking exam types :
Probationary Officer :
Specialist Officers :
Clerk :
Assistants :
Banking Exams :
As we know there are 3 major institutions conducting the bank exam in the country for the posts of PO/Clerk/SO on a regular basis which are as follows:
- State Bank of India (SBI)
- Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
- Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS)
- Regional Rural Banks
- Cooperative Banks
Banking exam syllabus :
Preliminary Exam Syllabus:
- English Language
- Reasoning Ability
- Quantitative Aptitude
Mains Exam Syllabus:
- English Language
- Reasoning Ability & Computer Knowledge
- Quantitative Aptitude
- General Awareness
Bank PO Syllabus
The Bank PO Exam Syllabus is nearly the same for the probationary officer post under IBPS PO, SBI PO, and other bank PO exams. Every year lakhs of candidates participate in the bank PO exams due to lucrative salary and benefits. Below we have provided the subject-wise Bank PO Syllabus for your reference.
- English Language: Reading Comprehension, Cloze Test, Double Fillers, Error Spotting, Sentence Correction, Para Jumbles, Paragraph Completion, Para Summary, Sentence Connector, and Vocabulary.
- Reasoning Ability: Sitting Arrangements, Tabulation, Logical Reasoning, Syllogism, Input-Output, Coding-Decoding, Alphanumeric Series, Blood Relations, Ranking, Data Sufficiency, Distance & Direction, Coded Inequalities, and Verbal Reasoning.
- Quantitative Aptitude: Simplification & Approximation, Data Interpretation, Data Sufficiency, Number Series, Ratio & Proportion, Quadratic Equations, Averages, Boats & Streams, Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Percentage, Profit & Loss, Mixtures & Alligation, Permutation & Combination, Time & Distance, Probability, Partnership, Pipes & Cistern.
- General Awareness: This section compiles three different sub-sections which are current affairs, banking & financial affairs, and static awareness.
- Current Affairs: It includes topics such as important bank news, economic affairs, national and international news, recent state affairs, agreements, visits, awards and honors, summits & conferences, and obituaries.
- Banking & Financial Awareness: This topic consists of financial news, Banking Abbreviations, the Banking Regulation Act 1949, About & Functions of RBI Policy Rates, Types of Accounts, Negotiable instruments act 1881, Money market instruments, priority sector lending, financial inclusion, Money market instruments, Banking Ombudsman scheme 2006 & more.
- Static Awareness: It includes topics like International Organisations, Important Days, Capital & Currency, Agreements & Deals, Books & Authors, Honours & Awards, National & International Appointments, Famous Obituaries, etc.